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Employee Login

Elmira District Community Living Board of Directors is dedicated to supporting individuals with developmental disability and their families.


From left to back

John Weir, Ryan Ruppert, Bonnie Schelter-Brown, Kelly Meissner, Chris Moore, Taylor Sanderson

Front- Left to right

Leigh-Anne Quinn, Tom Galloway, Marg Martin, Linda Weltz

Absent from photo:

Greg Demeuleneare


Board Information



Leadership & Administration Team


Cheryl Peterson
Executive Director

Sarah Cadeau
Services Director

Christine Clarke
Director of Finance

Nicole Budd
Director of Human Resources

Karole McDonnell
Accounting Assistant/Administrative Assistant

Kristine Hebbourn
Scheduler and Human Resources Assistant

Wendy Vandenberk
Human Resources Assistant and Scheduler

Latoya Wedderburn 
Payroll and Administrative Coordinator

Michelle DeCosta
Clerical Assistant Part Time


Donna Fulcher
Manager, Community Participation Supports

Rodger Hanna
Manager, Residential Services

Lisa Reitzel
Manager, Residential Services


Michelle Ingram-Smith
Supervisor, Residential Services

Meaghan Hachey
Supervisor, Residential Services