Statement of Commitment:
EDCL is committed to conforming to all aspects of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Human Rights Code and strives to ensure that all locations owned or operated by EDCL provide barrier-free services, supports, environments, and employment. EDCL recognizes that the key principles of accessibility are independence, dignity, integration, and equality.
The Accessibility Policy is available at all EDCL locations and on the website. Accessible formats of this policy will be made available if required and as requested. The policy is reviewed annually, and all employees and board members are to be kept informed as to any changes.
The Accessibility Plan identifies and addresses barriers at agency-owned or operated locations and encourages awareness of any barriers at community locations or services that may be accessed by the individuals we support so that they may also be brought to the attention of those locations and services. Barriers have been broken down into the following areas: architectural, environmental, attitudinal, financial, employment, transportation, and community integration. The plan is reviewed annually. The Accessibility Plan is available online, is located in the Management Report in all EDCL locations and is available to supported individuals, families, friends, etc.
Barriers deny dignity and independence, and EDCL strives to offer barrier-free services. Identified barriers may be brought to the attention of a manager at any time. Barrier identification forms are sent to all agency locations to ensure that the individuals we support—employees, volunteers, families, friends, etc.—have an opportunity to identify any barriers they may encounter while living, working, or visiting any EDCL-owned or operated locations. The forms are reviewed by senior management, barriers are discussed, and plans are made to address or remove them as deemed applicable and feasible.
Accessible Formats, Communication Supports and Assistive Devices
When a disabled employee requests it, EDCL will provide or arrange to provide accessible formats and communication supports for information needed to perform his or her job and information that is generally available to other employees. Emergency Evacuation procedures, and other safety plans will be made available in accessible formats upon request. In determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support, EDCL shall consult with the employee making the request. People may use their own assistive devices to access our services. Any information regarding a disruption of services will also be made available in an accessible format.
Service Animals
Persons with disabilities may bring their service animal to parts of our premises that are open to the public or other third parties, but may be restricted in areas that are otherwise governed by other laws, such as Health Protection and Promotions Act (sect. 59e) Restrictions may also apply to residences where an individual lives who may have a severe allergy.
Support Workers
Persons with a disability are allowed to be accompanied by their support worker when visiting EDCL locations.
Admission Fees
Notice will be provided ahead of time of what, if any, admission fees will be charged for a support person who may be accompanying a person with a disability to any events hosted by EDCL.
Accommodations and Return to Work Process
An employee may request an accommodation at any time and should be brought to the attention of the manager or HR manager. A meeting will be arranged with the employee, the manager, the HR manager, and the union. The employee must provide a physician’s note, if requested, providing the nature of the disability and the prognosis for a safe and healthy return to work. Together, we work collaboratively to create an accommodation plan or to facilitate the return-to-work process. Employees will be assessed on an individual basis. The accommodation will also include a review and/or end date, and if any emergency response information is required,. The employer may request an evaluation by an outside medical or other expert, at the employer’s expense, to assist in its determination on whether an accommodation can be achieved. An accommodation may be denied where changing a practice to accommodate an employee would cause undue hardship to the people supported, the employer, or other employees considering health, safety, and cost. Where the Collective Agreement is silent on accommodations and the return-to-work process, EDCL’s current practices will remain in place.
Other accommodations may be granted through the ESA, and requests should be brought to the attention of the manager or HR manager.
An individualized return to work plan will be developed for those employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and who require disability-related accommodations in order to return to work. This process shall outline the steps the employer will take to facilitate the return to work and must include an individual documented accommodation plan.
All accommodations and return-to-work plans are considered private and confidential documents. Employees may request that they be presented in a format that takes into account an employee’s disability.
All employees, volunteers, students, and board members are required to successfully complete accessibility training at the time of hire (volunteering) and will be required to review the policy annually.
Accessibility Plan
The purpose of the Accessibility Plan is to identify and address accessibility issues at locations owned, leased, or operated by Elmira District Community Living, as well as in the community. EDCL is dedicated to identifying and removing barriers that limit and restrict the ability of the individuals that we support to fully access any of the EDCL locations and the communities in our catchment area.
Accessibility Feedback
We encourage and appreciate your feedback on Elmira District Community Living’s ability to meet your accessibility needs in order to better serve the people we support, their families, employees, and visitors. Feedback can be provided in the following ways:
* through email by contacting Nicole Budd,
* verbally to an Employee, Supervisor, Manager or executive Executive Director
* completion of the Accessebility Feedback Form and delivery to our Admin Office,
118 Barnswallow Dr. Elmira, Attn.: Nicole Budd, Human Resources Director
A response to the feedback given will be provided within five (5) days of receipt.
Any questions or concerns with regards to our accessibility policy can be directed to our Human Resources Manager, Nicole Budd at