Elmira District Community Living (EDCL) vision is that the individuals we support live with dignity and respect:
- Choice
- Opportunity
- Citizenship
- Unique to each person

EDCL’s mission is to:
Create partnerships that provide relevant, individualized, and innovative services for persons supported by EDCL.
Advocate, Educate and Facilitate the participation of the Community in Achieving the individual’s life vision
As a result of the work of many families and community volunteers, the Elmira District Community Living was founded in the fall of 1960 and incorporated in March of 1963 as the Elmira and District Association for Retarded Children. In the years that followed, school classes were established, and the Guiding Light School built (the current Life Skills site). In addition, a special care nursery school was organized; ARC Industries was built and developed; and residential supports beginning with Reid Woods residence in 1976 organized. Since that time, the Association has continued to grow and develop to meet the needs of our families and the individuals that we support.
Today the Association supports over 130 individuals and operates services and supports in the townships of Woolwich, Wellesley and Mapleton.